Championship Level HO Slot Car Racing
About Our Club
Carries on a more than 30 year tradition of highly competitive HO slot car racing in Ohio
The Ohio State Series spans multiple races in multiple classes over a long racing season
Racers compete for wins and earn points towards a season championship for each class
Highly competitive racing in a fair, friendly, supportive, and structured racing environment
Race days are fun, memorable, and fast-paced events with multiple opportunities to win
Club racers from Ohio State Series have won numerous HOPRA national championships
Every Ohio State Series season concludes with the season champions receiving awards for their performance, recognition of race venue hosts, and knowledge that the Ohio State Series has once again prepared our racers to compete at the national championship level against the very best HO slot car racers in the country.
See You at the Track!
HO slot car racers who wish to join in on the fast paced competition are welcome
HOPRA members from all regions are welcome as guest racers within our club
Many of our club racers also participate in regional HO slot car racing programs at the following slot car racing clubs and hobby shops. (Some may require Facebook login)